Metacon S.A. was founded in 2002 as a spin – off from the University of Patras to commercialize the innovative processes and reformation technologies being developed at the university. Metacon S.A.’s core function within Metacon Group is focused on catalytic reforming and reactor’s R&D as well as hydrogen systems manufacturing. The company possesses a strong background and expertise in process design and optimization, reactor design and construction, plant constructions, control hardware and software design.
Metacon’s vision is to help the world significantly reduce carbon footprint and emission of pollutants through the development of innovative technological solutions in hydrogen production and fuel cell – based energy production. Metacon’s mission is to profitably develop and deploy innovative, environmentally clean, energy efficient Hydrogen Units and CHP systems which serve industrial, transportation, telecommunication and residential needs and maritime applications. Metacon S.A. demonstrates experience of more than 20 years in managing and carrying out numerous funded European and International R&D projects, while the research results have been protected by 5 National, European and International patents. The company has recently expanded its R&D activities by employing on board hydrogen generators concept, which enables the use of hydrogen as a fuel today without the need for bunkering and storage on board, thus enabling significantly enhanced efficiency and further decrease of their emissions and environmental footprint. In addition, H2 production via NH3 cracking to be utilized as ships’ future fuel being in line with the EU goals directive for emissions is being developed.
The results of the above research and technological activities fit perfectly to the objectives and scope of SAFeCRAFT project. This further applies to Metacon’s contribution to the project which is the desktop study of NH3 cracking system for H2 production on board that can either be fed to Gensets or FCs.