Safe and Efficient Use of Sustainable Fuels 
in Maritime Transport 

SAFeCRAFT’s overall goal is to develop and demonstrate the safety and viability and accelerate the adoption of Sustainable Alternative Fuels (SAFs) in waterborne energy transport.

It demonstrates four technologies, acting as SAF enablers for different types of oceangoing and short sea shipping vessels, both newly built and retrofitted.

Sustainable Alternative Fuels used during handling, storage, and for main propulsion include liquid & compressed green H2, and two green H2 carriers, LOHCs and ammonia.

SAFs used will be demonstrated on a bulk carrier and assessed and validated through detailed desktop studies for four other types of vessels typical in EU ports.

For the demo vessel, H2 will be used as the primary fuel source for a Generator Set providing power to a shaft motor (Power-Take-In) in parallel with the M/E, thus covering part of ship’s propulsion needs.

The desktop studies feature the SAFs that lead into three powertrain options for each vessel


Fuel cell stacks &
marine-type battery packs


Internal combustion M/E (for newbuildings)


Internal combustion PTI generator similar to the demo

These SAF enabling power train systems will be analyzed in-depth, using specific KPIs for safety, energy efficiency, environmental impact and techno-economic feasibility.

A-Z approach

SAFeCRAFT A-Z approach in utilizing SAFs, including bunkering, storage, handling and fuel consumption onboard, and the issuance of Approval in Principle for the engineering and design processes, will accelerate their implementation.

Three societal objectives will be served:


Facilitating the creation of highly skilled jobs,


Economic growth in the EU by development of new technologies and regulatory standards for waterborne transport,


Reduction of the environmental footprint and acceleration of the transition to SAFs.


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The core consortium members of the current proposal are also the core team of the NH3CRAFT and LH2CRAFT projects, while the well-balanced consortium consists of 11 partners from 6 countries.