Charting a Course for Sustainable Maritime Innovation: HYDRUS’s Vision for Large-Scale NH3 and H2 Containment and Storage

The Coordinator, HYDRUS an experienced project manager, also the coordinator of NH3CRAFT and LH2CRAFT, as well as technical coordinator of CYNERGY (EU funded), will coordinate activities via an efficient management structure. HYDRUS with a long standing at the forefront of R&D in the maritime and chemical industries and through their experience in large scale project management will be the appropriate company to combine all technologies and research executed in the project into an applicable and realistic concept for large-scale containment and storage of either NH3 or H2 over long haul routes.
HYDRUS envisions the facilitation of new highly skilled job opportunities and economic growth in the EU by fostering the development of new technologies, services, and regulatory standards in the waterborne transport sector, the reduction of the environmental footprint of shipping and the acceleration of the transition to sustainable and climate-neutral fuels.
All the above can be achieved by HYDRUS mission within the project, which is to safeguard the best possible level of the project’s implementation and the exploitation of the results, not only by the consortium’s partners, but also by the EAB foreseen members, many of whom are technology providers or produced solutions end users.

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